Cartoon on Hiring

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Cartoon on Hiring

What are your thoughts about the cartoon below in the course on

Another way to view this

Another way to view this cartoon is that, the gentleman applying for the job looks like a murderer but, he could actually be the best fit for the job, assuming that he waits to kill until he is off the clock, lol

The cartoon depicts a

The cartoon depicts a scenario where an indidvual is judged or discriminated against based off of how they present to the employer. Employer sees disbaility instead of the candidtae as a whole with skillset.

Discrimination Awareness

This cartoon draws upon the reflection of being mindful to how to navigate sensitive inquiries that does not promote discrimination as we market clients to employers. 


This cartoon implies that people are judged if it appears that they have a disability, and that they are not given the same chance as others to showcase their strengths due to their presumed disability.

The cartoon shows the

The cartoon shows the judgments we make of people with disabilities or mental health problems and how doors are closing for those with these conditions.

Cartoon on Hiring

I believe the cartoon illustrates the stigma and judgment that much of socitey has about individuals with mental health symptoms and disabilities. Focusing on an individual's strengths/abilities and continued education and advocacy for people with mental disabilites and symptoms can help counter this. 

Hiring Managers need to be

Hiring Managers need to be aware of there questions they are ask. Asking about mental or physical disabilities is against the law and could cost the company money if sued.

It shows fears, hopelessness,

It shows fears, hopelessness, angry individual

This cartoon gives a negative

This cartoon gives a negative connotation to possibly a  potentially good candidate for a job, that may have a mental disability.

The messages that are

The messages that are communicated in this cartoon is the negative perception hiring managers tend to have on people with disabilities. The cartoon illustrates that people with mental disabilities have a preconcived judgement that they are "bad" people.

The cartoon

Absolutely shows judgement on what the person is seeing about you before they even get to know your work ethics are and how they really see you. 

It shows the preconceptions

It shows the preconceptions that hiring managers may have based on someone disclosing a disability 

The cartoon speaks to the

The cartoon speaks to the judgement that indivudals face based on appearances or past actions that may affect their job oppurtunites. 


This is a great cartoon but also speaks volumes about assumptions people make just based on appearance.