Technical Requirements
Here is what you will need to participate in this course. (Most computers have this software pre-installed).
A Pentium or higher PC (Celeron acceptable) or comparable Macintosh (G-3, G-4, G-5, Intel acceptable) with color monitor and the following:
• Windows Vista/7/8/10 with at least 1 GB of RAM or Mac OS X with at least 1 GB of RAM
* Internet access and a valid, accessible email address
* An email composing application which can send and receive attachments Although not required, a printer may be helpful to read course readings offline at your own time. These are the minimum requirements. We recommend that you use the latest Web browsers (no beta versions or modified browser versions please), and use a fast processor to access pages more efficiently.
Browser settings For the courses to run smoothly you should set your browser to accept Cookies and make sure that JavaScript is enabled. On most browsers these are the default settings. We recommend the CURRENT versions of Chrome, IE, Edge, or Safari.
Quicktime Several pages utilize short streaming video. Quicktime is needed to play this video, and it can be downloaded for free by going to the Apple Quicktime download page.
Acrobat Assignments are in Adobe Acrobat format. You will need the free Acrobat Reader to access them. Download it by clicking on the image below.